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Returns :

Happy or Refund

You may find it hard to accept your ordered artworks after checking them. In that case, return your order and get a 100% full refund. We ask no question.

Return Policy

  1. You may return your order within up to 60 days of receipt.
  2. You can choose to get a free replacement, or a full refund.

How to Return

  1. Contact us and let us know you need to return your order.
  2. Also let us know your option: a refund or a replacement.
  3. Then we will confirm your request within 24 hours.
  4. Ship your order back to us with tracking code.
  5. Get refunded after we receive the package. Shipping cost will be refunded only if the return is for a painting which was damaged during the delivery.

But return has almost never happened to us. Here's why:

  1. We offer high-resolution photos of the finished art before shipment.
  2. We only start to ship your order upon your approval of the finished art.
  3. As we are artists ourselves, we can readily fix the flaws you point out before showing you the fixed version and ask for your approval again.
  4. The real artwork almost always looks better than the digital photos!

Please contact our Customer service at [email protected] to get the return address.

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  • Copyright GFM Designer 2021
  • Company Registration : 07286936
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